Are you suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that causes a tingling sensation, numbness and sometimes pain in the hand and fingers. These sensations usually develop gradually and start off being worse during the night. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome tend to affect the thumb, index finger and middle finger.
These sensations usually develop gradually and start off being worse during the night. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome tend to affect the thumb, index finger and middle finger.
Other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
pins and needles
thumb weakness
a dull ache in the hand or arm
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) are caused by squashing (compression) of the median nerve at the wrist.
The median nerve is responsible for two main functions:
your sense of touch from your hand to your brain
controlling movement
Any pressure on the median nerve can disrupt the nerve signals, affecting your sense of touch and hand movements. The median nerve can become compressed if the tissues inside the tunnel become swollen or the tunnel narrows over time.
Other causes can be:
certain activities including playing musical instruments, manual labour etc.
For more information about carpal tunnel syndrome please visit
How do we treat carpal tunnel syndrome specifically?
We treat carpal tunnel syndrome by removing any swelling around the wrist joint and hand using the Myopulse, which alleviates pain and assists in releasing the trapped nerve. We treat the palm of the hand to specifically target the trapped nerve, but also the forearm to relax the muscles of the arm to assist in gaining the range of motion back in the wrist.

What can we do at Advanced Healing Therapies to help?
Using our technology we treat the area affected for just under an hour.
Pain, inflammation and muscle spasms often result when muscles, ligaments or tendons are injured. The circulation in the injured areas is effected adversely. There is an accumulation of lactic acid and other waste products in the tissues. This slows the healing process.
The Acuscope and Myopulse simultaneously measure and balance the abnormal electrical resistance in injured tissue. The electrical conductance of the injured tissue is examined and compared to a preprogrammed parameters for healthy tissue. When electrical conductance is outside the normal, healthy range, the instruments change the wave form, frequency, intensity and polarity to restore the tissue integrity to promote healing.
There is little or no sensation because micro-current energy is similar to the energy inside the body. Micro-currents are one-millionth the strength of household current. They are compatible with the body’s bioelectrical communication system and support the self-healing feedback mechanism already present at the cellular level. The effects of micro-currents on the healing process has been documented in the scientific literature for many years.
When this energy is introduced into the cells, circulation, lymphatic drainage, waste product removal, cellular metabolism improve. The flow of other forms of biological energy similar to chi or vital force is accelerated. Acidic waste products are flushed from the tissues and the body’s healing powers are accentuated. This results in an accelerated healing response at the cellular level, leading to reduction of pain and improved function.
Tagged as: Carpal tunnel syndrome
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