Restoring health, wellness, body and mind 

Restoring Health, Wellness Body and Mind 



Miraculous Collagen is swiftly replacing Botox as the most effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. 
Discover this totally holistic health ageing treatment for facial contouring here at Advanced Healing Therapies. 
The Repárer by La Fleur® is the premier system for producing and maintaining  
a healthy and youthful appearance from the inside out.  
At Advanced Healing Therapies, our technology is unparalleled in the field of electro-stimulation.  
Our healthy-ageing facial energises the cells by reading the individual tissues and dosing the exact energy the cells are able to accept. The anatomically shaped electrodes give the feeling of a massage and achieve optimal results rapidly. 
Reduce lines, wrinkles, fluid and broken capillaries 
Improves sun damage 
Tones, lifts and shapes muscles 
Minimises age spots 
Fades scarring 
Controls acne and rosacea 
Improves elasticity and collagen 
Relaxation and stress reduction 
Pre and post operative for bruising and swelling 


A sophisticated formula designed to supply vital nutrients which will substantially increase collagen production necessary for cellular structure. This lucious créme minimises wrinkles, repairs sun damage, reduces scar tissue, diminishes or eliminates dark circles, brown spots and discolouration. 


An active blend of unadulterated essential oils in a vegetable carrier base. This natural antiseptic normalises cellular breathing and metabolism, as well as protecting from free radicals. It regulates the sebaceous glands, controlling breakouts, increases skin vitality, oxidises waste products, detoxifies the skin and relieves stress. Buy ten treatments and get one free.