Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from the back of your pelvis, through your buttocks, and all the way down both legs, ending at your feet. The pain of sciatica is usually felt in the buttocks and legs. Most people find it goes away naturally within a few weeks, although some cases can last for a year or more. 
Symptoms of sciatica 
When the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated, it can cause pain,  
numbness, a tingling sensation that radiates from your lower back and travels down one of your legs to your foot and toes, weakness in the calf muscles or the muscles that move the foot and ankle. 
The pain can range from being mild to very painful, and may be made worse by sneezing, coughing or sitting for a long period of time. 
For more information around sciatica, please visit 
How do we treat sciatica specifically? 
We treat sciatica by locating where the site of injury is. This may seem strange, but for most people, their injury isn’t necessarily where they feel their pain. The sciatic nerve from the spine down the legs, so we will locate the initial site of injury and treat that area. 
We also remove any inflammation at the site of injury using the Myopulse, which assists in releasing the trapped nerve. 
What can we do at Advanced Healing Therapies to help? 
Using our technology we treat the area affected for just under an hour. 
Pain, inflammation and muscle spasms often result when muscles, ligaments or tendons are injured. The circulation in the injured areas is effected adversely. There is an accumulation of lactic acid and other waste products in the tissues. This slows the healing process. 
The Acuscope and Myopulse simultaneously measure and balance the abnormal electrical resistance in injured tissue. The electrical conductance of the injured tissue is examined and compared to a preprogrammed parameters for healthy tissue. When electrical conductance is outside the normal, healthy range, the instruments change the wave form, frequency, intensity and polarity to restore the tissue integrity to promote healing. 
There is little or no sensation because micro-current energy is similar to the energy inside the body. Micro-currents are one-millionth the strength of household current. They are compatible with the body’s bioelectrical communication system and support the self-healing feedback mechanism already present at the cellular level. The effects of micro-currents on the healing process has been documented in the scientific literature for many years. 
When this energy is introduced into the cells, circulation, lymphatic drainage, waste product removal, cellular metabolism improve. The flow of other forms of biological energy similar to chi or vital force is accelerated. Acidic waste products are flushed from the tissues and the body’s healing powers are accentuated. This results in an accelerated healing response at the cellular level, leading to reduction of pain and improved function. 
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